Monday, September 10, 2012

Buying Organic

So, I have been trying to eat healthy. Or healthier. Duke lost about 80 lbs on his last deployment overseas, and has kept most of the weight off. We do not eat out very often, and I try to cook most of our meals at the house. It's hard to find meals that are healthy and taste as good as the real thing. Usually, we eat really healthy for breakfast and lunch, and then I just sort of make whatever I want to make for dinner. But, we almost always have veggies as sides.

These last few weeks, I have stopped drinking sodas. For the most part. I looove root beer, and I was drinking one or two cans everyday. It was getting out of control. So, I started buying the small cans of soda, and I'll have one every few days.

Now, sweet tea is another problem. But, I will never cut out sweet tea. I have been drinking a lot more water and milk though.

Last week, I was very excited when I purchased organic eggs at the grocery store. I don't know what made me do it, but I did. I found that they had much thicker shells---and heck, they look so much better with their cute little brown shells. But it got me thinking. What should I really buy organic? So I found this article. The article goes into detail as to why you should buy each item organic. Here's the scoop.


Things to buy organic:

Strawberries (or any berry for that matter, and apples)
Yard pesticides
All-purpose home cleaners
Water bottles
Food storage containers
Tomato sauce
Mattresses and Carpet Padding (what!?)

Five Things You Don't Have to Buy Organic:

Frozen food in plastic bags

Of course, eggs would be on the not to buy list. Because I bought them. Ok, ok, I fell for the cute brown eggs instead of the white ones with the super thin shells. But, the shells are thicker. And they're brown. And they taste better---I think.

I hope this list was helpful.

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