Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Laundry Experiment

Laundry. Yup, that's right. I'm blogging about laundry. Crazy, right? But, I don't mind doing laundry. I can deal with laundry. What I can't deal with are dirty dishes. So we'll leave those until tomorrow.

Anyway. Back to laundry. This is the detergent I usually use. Ahhhh. The smell. So nice, so clean. Gain---I think I love you. Ok. This is getting silly.

I also really like this. 

It's amazing. It's a great carpet cleaner, works great in the garbage disposal, and deodorizes. This product is cheap and does so much. It's also a great laundry booster. I love it.

I like Gain. I don't have a problem with Gain. I actually went to the store to get more. Duke was with me and he always gets distracted in the store. Hard to believe, I know. Well, he found this guy.

My husband is crazy. He wanted to buy this detergent because he thought the packaging was cool. And, well---it is pretty cool. But is was four more dollars than Gain!!! The same size bottle for four more dollars! 

I looked a little closer and realized that this bottle washed twice as many loads. It is free and clear of dyes, natural, biodegradable, and hypoallergenic. And it had a 100% money back guarantee. 

I've been having allergy issues lately, and I am trying to be more "green." So, why not? Besides, I think everyone might be overlooking the fact that it comes in a cool container

So now, the real test. How will Duke's yucky work shirts wash with the new detergent?

It passed my test. Everything washed nicely. I used some lightly scented Snuggle dryer sheets to make up for the fact that this detergent has no scent. Glad I tried this, and I think it will be my go-to from now on. Until my husband finds another detergent in an even "cooler" container. 

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